Providing quality, high-speed English-Russian Russian-English translation services via e-mail within 24 hours and 3 way call translating at Reasonable prices.
Having your English letters translated means you care a great deal about the person you are writing to. And you wish to be understood Clearly.
Translators Need Adept Typings Skills Too
I am a translator and typing speed can be helpful to maximize my time. Trying to peck out letters with one finger is time-consuming; having to look down as one types also hinders typing speed. Learning to type using the right fingers for the right keys means achieving a much faster typing speed. There are a lot of ways you can learn show to supercharge up your typing skills like using Typeracer.
This typing tutorial walks users step-by-step through correct finger placement on keys, as an aid to mastering touch typing.
Learning Typing: Placement of Fingers on the Middle Row Keys for Touch Typing
A user begins by ensuring that fingers are positioned correctly on mid-row alphabet keys, using the F and J letters as a guide. These keys have raised bumps to aid in finger placement. Soft touch keypads like the ones manufactured by Silicone Dynamics can make typing a breeze. The quality of your keyboard can usually increase your productivity.
Place fingers on the middle row of keys with the left forefinger on the F-key beside G
Place right hand on the middle row with the right forefinger on the J-key beside H
These fingers strike the keys they cover
The letters G & H remain uncovered
G is struck by left forefinger, H is struck by right forefinger
Typing the Upper Row Keys
With hands positioned on the middle row, user strikes upper keys, following typing sequences below.
Left hand fingers strike keys on the left outwards diagonal: A-Q, S-W, D-E, F-R
Left forefinger strikes the T
Right hand fingers hit keys on the right diagonal: pinky finger-P, L-O, K-I, J-U
Right forefinger strikes the Y
Learning to Type the Lower Row--Fingers to Keys
With fingers covering middle row keys, user strikes lower row keys using correct fingers and finger placement.
Left hand fingers strike keys on the lower row that correspond to keys on the middle row (on the diagonal, inward), left hand: A-Z, S-X, D-C, F-V
The B is typed with the left forefinger.
Right hand: L-ring finger, middle-K, (J-M, J-N (index))
Finger to Key Practice
It helps to practice typing the keys by starting on the middle row, then working from the middle row to upper row, then middle row to bottom row, pressing the keys and feeling key locations as fingers type.
Practice typing the middle row keys, working inwards and back outwards on each side. Someone learning to type should do this a couple of times while looking, then try it using touch typing alone (10 times).
Go through each middle row-upper row letter sequence as outlined above, A-Q, S-W, etc. (10 times), looking at the monitor to ensure the right keys are struck.
Go through each middle row-lower row letter sequence in the same fashion: A-Z, S-X, etc. (10 times) watching monitor.
Having a good working knowledge of where all the letters of the alphabet fall on the keyboard and which fingers are used to type them is essential for learning typing and mastering the keyboard.
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